Physical Education Department

Welcome to Physical Education. My name is Ms. Lemus. I am a highly Enthusiastic Physical educator professional dedicated to promoting physical and mental well-being through dynamic education.  I have been with LAUSD since 2009. My main goal is to encourage the importance of living a healthy and active lifestyle through the promotion of accountability in nutrition and physical activity.


I am available to respond via email or Schoology Monday through Friday. Students when you address your emails with the subject line “Your name, Class Period.”  This will give me a good clue as to who you are.  Parents when you email, please address them as “Parent of student’s name, Class period - Example:  Parent of Lopez Bryan, Period 5.


Class Description:

This class will cover fitness, various sports, skills, games, and activities bases on state standards including fitness gram. As well physical assessments and written assessments.


Class Goals:

The goals for this class

  1. Encourage students to stay physically active.
  2. Promote healthy relationship among students and practice sportsmanship
  3. Enjoy sports and be and active participant
  4. Students are to be dressed in appropriate attire for PE class on daily basis rain or shine.
  5. Always do your best; think positive and plan to succeed.
  6. Always follow safety Rules.


Grading Policy

The student will be evaluated through daily participation in class, warm-ups participation, wearing PE uniform and formal and informal assessments. These include sport skills evaluation, projects, and Schoology assignments. Participation in class, warm-up activity, assessments, and PE uniform will be a percentage of a total letter grade per academic subject. In addition to letter grades, students will receive work habits and cooperation grades. The options for work habits and cooperation grades are “E” (excellent), “S” (satisfactory), and “U” (unsatisfactory). Students are expected to consistently participate in class and wear PE uniform in order to have a mark of “E” in work habits. Students are expected to follow PE rules and school rules and expectations. Students are also expected to respect PE equipment and school property in order to receive a mark of “E” in cooperation. Anything less means there is room for improvement in work habits and cooperation.  The letter grading scale will be:

A=100-90%   B=89-80%      C=79-70%       D=69-60%                F=59-0%


 School and Classroom Rules, Expectations/Procedures:

 PE rules and expectations are as followed:

  1. Come to class on time and participate in class activities. 
  2. Students are to be dresses in appropriate attire for PE class on daily basis.
  3. Student is at assigned area in roll call
  4. Listen carefully and follow directions.
  5. Cell phones are lock in lockers.
  6. Always do your best; think positive and plan to succeed.
  7. Raise your hand before speaking.
  8. Keep your hands to yourself (No horseplay or play fighting in class)
  9. No eating or drinking in class.  (Water is fine)
  10. No Grooming (Hair brushing, Make-up, spraying perfume/cologne)
  11. Do not touch other people's belongings

Behavior Policies:
  A positive, safe, respectful, and nurturing classroom and school is a great place to be. I would like all students to have great success in my class and at Joseph Le Conte Middle School. For me to teach and for students to learn, we need an orderly classroom that is free of distraction and disruption. I expect everyone to respect each other, respect PE equipment and school property. I encourage and reward positive behavior through verbal praise, phone calls/notes home, small treats, and other minor school-wide privileges. If students consistently challenge school and classroom rules and expectations, they also choose the consequences. I will have a conference with student and call home.  Students will else be referred to the Intervention and/or Counseling Office for behavior modification. If the problem persists, a parent conference will be scheduled to discuss the problem and possible solutions.


I appreciate your cooperation and assistance in the year to come. When parents, teachers, students, and the school community work together, we can ensure that students are productive, successful, well-adjusted, and prepared for high school, college, career, and life. I look forward to meeting with you during Back-To-School Night, Open House and Parent Conferencing.


Thank you for your time and support.