Clubs & Activities

Strength & Conditioning Club

1st Club Meeting, open to all students that are ready to work out!

Date: Thursday, September 5th

Time: 3:30 - 5:00 pm

Location: PE Fitness Center

We are well into fall, meaning Halloween is just around the corner. We want to share our plans for October 31. We know Halloween is an important event, and we want to allow families to plan and prepare. Students wishing to wear child-friendly costumes to school may do so on Monday, October 31.

While students are not required to wear costumes on Halloween, those students who do wish to participate must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Select a costume that is in good taste and should not be offensive in nature, design, or intent.
  • Costumes should not hinder or restrict your child’s movement. Remember that all students will follow their regular daily schedule, e.g., physical ed., art, music, nutrition/lunch, etc.
  • Avoid long costumes that pose trip hazards.
  • Footwear should be appropriate and safe to wear at school and physical education class.
  • Face painting should be applied at home and should be minimally applied so that students’ faces are recognizable.
  • Masks or items that impede vision or prevent school personnel from identifying your child are not allowed.
  • Costume accessories that are deemed dangerous or similar to weaponry are not permitted.

Students should come to school dressed in their costumes. Costumes should be comfortable and not interfere with students’ responsibilities and safety. Please wear regular clothes under costumes. We want this to be a positive experience. Please ensure your children adhere to the expectations.

Considering the issues in our community with drugs and now drugs being disguised as candy.  For the safety of all students, we ask that students NOT bring candy to school during this holiday season.  Our Leadership class will be selling candy grams on campus, student can purchase one for themselves or their friends.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Whether students participate in Halloween events or not, we expect all members of the school community to honor our values and demonstrate that they are kind, respectful, responsible, and safe. When choosing a Halloween costume with your child, we ask you to keep those values in mind. We know we can count on our students and staff to model those values on Halloween, as they do each day. Should you have any questions, I encourage you to contact me at (323) 308-1700.