Middle School Coursework
Middle school students annually take coursework in English language arts, mathematics, science, history-social science, and electives. English language arts courses include: English 6, English 7, English 8, English Language Development 1, English Language Development 2, Language and Literature, Advanced ELD and for intervention we have Academic Literacy. Mathematics courses include: Math 6, Math 7, Accelerated Math 7, Math 8, Algebra 1and for intervention we have Math Tutorial Lab. Science courses include: Integrated Science 6, Integrated Science 7, and Integrated Science 8. History-Social Science courses include: World History Ancient Civilizations 6, World History Medieval Early Times 7, and United States History 8. Middle school students performing below grade level in English language arts or mathematics, are assigned an intervention class.
Middle school students annually take physical education and at least two elective classes. Middle school elective offerings include art, geography, guitar, beginning band, advanced band, law, leadership, computer science & gaming, introduction to programming & design, theatre, and exploratory science.