Math Department Grade 7 & 8

Math Syllabus - Mr. Figueroa


Classroom Management
The discipline policy in this class requires each student to be responsible for his/her own

actions. Each student deserves to have the most positive learning experiences possible.


Classroom Rules
1. Be in your seat with pencils sharpened, ready to work when the bell rings.

2. Be respectful to others and their property at all times.
3. No talking, eating, drinking, or gum chewing in the classroom.

4. No electronic equipment, make-up, etc.
5. Raise your hand before speaking.
6. The bell does not dismiss the class.


Consequences for Breaking Rules

1. 1st strike - You will receive a verbal warning and name on the board.
2. 2
nd strike - Conference with student and contact parent/guardian. “S” on report card

for cooperation.
3. 3
rd strike - Nutrition detention for a week and “U” on report card for cooperation.

4. 4th strike - After school detention for a week (10 minutes every day).
5. 5
th strike - Parent conference.
6. 6
th strike - Referral to the Counseling Office or Intervention Office.

In some cases, some or all of these steps may be skipped depending on the level of the offense.


Materials Needed

1. Graphing or lined notebook paper.

2. Workbook.
3. A sharpener.
4. Pencil and eraser.

5. Laptop and charger.


Assignments and Tests

1. Assignments should be neatly done in pencil.

2. All assignments must have first and last name, period and date in upper right corner.

3. Students will be taking tests. Arrangements should be made to make up the tests if



Students Should

1. Feel free to seek my help if they are having problems.

2. Not hesitate to ask questions if they do not understand any of the material being covered.

3. Be prepared to have a good time learning in class and being successful this year.


Grading System
This course and its grading policy is designed to emphasize student growth and progress toward mastery of the Common Core Mathematics Standards. Students will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery of each Learning Target (LT). Rubrics will be used in the assessment of student understanding of the LT’s and I will provide specific, descriptive, and actionable feedback based on those rubrics so that students will know what, why, and how to move toward mastery of the LT’s. Each LT will receive an overall Final LT Score as determined by the most consistent and recent scores for that Learning Target.


Assessment Scores

Proficiency Scores




I can apply my understanding of the Learning Target in novel situations. My work reflects the synthesis of new learning with previous knowledge.



I can apply my understanding of the Learning Target independently. Any errors that I make do not interfere with others' understanding of my work or represent conceptual misconceptions.


Approaching Proficiency

I can apply my understanding of the Learning Target with teacher or peer guidance. Errors that I make reveal misconceptions in conceptual understanding even though procedural application is evident.


Developing Proficiency

I can apply my understanding of the Learning Target with substantial scaffolding and supports. Errors I make reveal deep misconceptions in conceptual understanding. Independent procedural application is also not evident.


No evidence of proficiency

I cannot demonstrate understanding of the Learning Target either because I have not provided evidence or engaged with classroom resources.


Students and parents will not see an overall grade until shortly before grade reports are due. Overall semester grade will not be based on percentages, but instead based on growth, as determined by the most consistent and recent scores for each Learning Target. The letter grade on the progress reports will be determined as follows:

A – The student has earned a 4 on more than half of the Final Learning Target Scores and does not have a score lower than 3 on any Final Learning Target Score.
B – The student has earned at least a 3 on more than half of the Final Learning Target Scores and does not have a score lower than 2 on any Final Learning Target Score.

C – The student has earned at least a 2 on ALL of their Final Learning Target Scores.

D – The student has earned at least a 1 on ALL their Final Learning Target Scores.
F – The student has not yet earned at least a 1 on ALL of their Final Learning Target Scores.


Textbook and Resources
The primary textbook is Illustrative Math by Kendall Hunt Publishing and is accessed on-

line through the Imagine Learning link in Schoology. A supplementary series titled IXL, also accessed by a link in Schoology, will also be used in class as a source for additional practice, enrichment, and formative assessments.


Cell Phone Policy

  • Students will not be allowed to use cell phones during class.

  • Students will be told to silence their cell phone.

  • In case of an emergency, you can call the school.

  • Student cell phones will be collected and stored at the beginning of class and

    returned after class.

  • Students who do not turn in their cell phones will be referred to Ms. Linares.


Work Habits

E – The student’s grade is an A or B.

S – The student’s grade is a C.
U – The student’s grade is a D or F.


Consequences for Being Tardy

1st tardy: Warning
2nd tardy: Contact parent/guardian and “S” on report card for work habits.

3rd tardy: “U” on report card for work habits.

4 or more tardies: Nutrition detention for each tardy.


Your cooperation grade will be based upon behavior and your ability to follow directions. The learning of Math is developmental, with one skill building on the next. It is necessary for you to keep up with your work. There may be occasions when you have to spend extra time on an assignment to fully grasp it.


Parent communication is very essential towards helping students achieve academic excellence. You can communicate with me by calling the school at (323) 308-1700 or through ClassDojo.