History Department Grade 8 & Leadership

8th Grade U.S. History
Welcome to my U.S. History Class. It is my pleasure to be your teacher this year for whichever class you are enrolled in.  It is my goal for my students to use what they learn in History class and be able to apply it to their lives, their future, and their development as students.

My students learn History beyond pencil, paper, and textbook. It is my passion to integrate as many activities as possibly which enforce creativity, literacy, ability to use new technology and software, and expand the abilities of my students. Throughout the year my students embark on projects such as poster presentations, skits, screen writing and video taping, and creating presentations.  It is my goal to create a classroom which is rigorous as well as engaging so students are excited to learn history and be able to see the value of learning it.

Please click on my syllabus to learn more about the class, grading policy, and class rules and expectations.